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Годовой курс видеолекций «Биохимия» профессора А.Д.Виноградова Годовой курс видеолекций «Биохимия» профессора А.Д.Виноградова

Видеолекция «Быстрые и медленные потенциалы действия в клетках сердца. Автоматия сердца» академика РАН Л.В.Розенштрауха Видеолекция «Быстрые и медленные потенциалы действия в клетках сердца. Автоматия сердца» академика РАН Л.В.Розенштрауха
Просмотр Заказ абонемента

Видеолекция «Строение и функции центральных и нервно-мышечных синапсов» чл.корр. РАН Л.Г.Магазаника Видеолекция «Строение и функции центральных и нервно-мышечных синапсов» чл.корр. РАН Л.Г.Магазаника

Мембранный потенциал покоя и потенциал действия (чл.-корр. РАМН А.Л.Зефиров). Подписка на онлайн-просмотр | Артикул 20060130FBM06L01os Мембранный потенциал покоя и потенциал действия (чл.-корр. РАМН А.Л.Зефиров). Подписка на онлайн-просмотр | Артикул 20060130FBM06L01os

Видеолекция «Насосная функция сердца и её регуляция» профессора В.И.Капелько Видеолекция «Насосная функция сердца и её регуляция» профессора В.И.Капелько

Видеолекция «Физиология системы крови» академика РАМН Ю.М. Захарова Видеолекция «Физиология системы крови» академика РАМН Ю.М. Захарова

Видеолекция «Физиология почки» академика РАН Ю.В.Наточина Видеолекция «Физиология почки» академика РАН Ю.В.Наточина

Видеолекция «Общие вопросы физиологии эндокринной системы» профессора О.В.Смирновой Видеолекция «Общие вопросы физиологии эндокринной системы» профессора О.В.Смирновой

Видеолекция «Рецепция и внутриклеточная сигнализация» академика РАН и РАМН В.А. Ткачука Видеолекция «Рецепция и внутриклеточная сигнализация» академика РАН и РАМН В.А. Ткачука

Видеолекция «Высшая нервная деятельность. Биологические основы поведения» профессора В.В.Шульговского Видеолекция «Высшая нервная деятельность. Биологические основы поведения» профессора В.В.Шульговского

Механизмы зрительной рецепции (академик РАН М.А.Островский). DVD-видеолекция | Артикул 060131L05 Механизмы зрительной рецепции (академик РАН М.А.Островский). DVD-видеолекция | Артикул 060131L05

Видеолекция «Гравитационные механизмы в двигательной системе» чл.-корр. РАН И.Б.Козловской Видеолекция «Гравитационные механизмы в двигательной системе» чл.-корр. РАН И.Б.Козловской

Мембранный потенциал покоя и потенциал действия (чл.-корр. РАМН А.Л.Зефиров). DVD- видеолекция | Артикул 060130L01 Мембранный потенциал покоя и потенциал действия (чл.-корр. РАМН А.Л.Зефиров). DVD- видеолекция | Артикул 060130L01

Видеолекция «Распознавание зрительных образов» академика РАН И.А. Шевелёва Видеолекция «Распознавание зрительных образов» академика РАН И.А. Шевелёва

Видеолекция «Молекулярные механизмы пристрастий человеческого организма» академика РАМН И.П.Ашмарина Видеолекция «Молекулярные механизмы пристрастий человеческого организма» академика РАМН И.П.Ашмарина
Увлекательная лекция о структурах и функциях наркотических веществ и физиологических механизмах возникновения пристрастий и зависимостей у человеческого организма

Видеолекция «Основные принципы передачи информации в нервной системе. Роль веществ-медиаторов» профессора В.А.Дубынина Видеолекция «Основные принципы передачи информации в нервной системе. Роль веществ-медиаторов» профессора В.А.Дубынина

Курс видеолекций «Физиология растений» профессора В.В.Чуба 20.05.2013 Курс видеолекций «Физиология растений» профессора В.В.Чуба

Курс видеолекций «Цитология» профессора Ю.С.Ченцова Курс видеолекций «Цитология» профессора Ю.С.Ченцова

Курс видеолекций «Физиология висцеральных систем» профессора В.Б.Кошелева Курс видеолекций «Физиология висцеральных систем» профессора В.Б.Кошелева

Курс видеолекций «Антибиотики» заслуженного профессора МГУ Н.С.Егорова Курс видеолекций «Антибиотики» заслуженного профессора МГУ Н.С.Егорова

Курс видеолекций «Зоология беспозвоночных» профессора А.В.Чесунова Курс видеолекций «Зоология беспозвоночных» профессора А.В.Чесунова

Видеолекция «Физиология центральной нервной системы. Процессы возбуждения и торможения» профессора А.А.Каменского Видеолекция «Физиология центральной нервной системы. Процессы возбуждения и торможения» профессора А.А.Каменского

Курс видеолекций «Физиология возбудимых систем» профессора А.А.Каменского Курс видеолекций «Физиология возбудимых систем» профессора А.А.Каменского

Курс видеолекций «Молекулярная медицина» академика РАМН И.П.Ашмарина Курс видеолекций «Молекулярная медицина» академика РАМН И.П.Ашмарина

Курс видеолекций «Зоология позвоночных» профессора Л.П.Корзуна Курс видеолекций «Зоология позвоночных» профессора Л.П.Корзуна

Курс видеолекций «Высшие растения» профессора А.П.Меликяна Курс видеолекций «Высшие растения» профессора А.П.Меликяна

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Наглядные видеоматериалы

Glycolysis.m4v 29.09.2012 Glycolysis.m4v
Take a  look at the ten enzymes that make possible the ten steps in the breakdown of sugar  the process is called glycolysis.

The Electron Transport Chain 29.09.2012 The Electron Transport Chain
The Electron Transport Chain in really easy to see steps.

We did this process for a project in one of our biology classes at the University of Washington. I hope you enjoy and that it is very easy to understand.

Photosynthetic Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 29.09.2012 Photosynthetic Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis
This animation from Mcgrahill tells you how ATP are synthesised during etc....

Calvin Cycle 29.09.2012 Calvin Cycle
Captions done by: http://www.youtube.com/user/lizzashley89

Процесс старения за 40 секунд 29.09.2012 Процесс старения за 40 секунд
Процесс старения за 40 секунд

Why aging must be stopped. Остановим старение. 29.09.2012 Why aging must be stopped. Остановим старение.
Aging is not just  "imposition of the human race", it is a reason of serious economic issues. We have to stop aging, find the cure for it, or else serious catastrofic events will happen in the nearest future.

Старение - это не только унижение человеческого достоинсва. Существуют серьезные экономические причины остановить старение населения.

Долголетие без старение. Пептидны комплексы Eni-Sala 29.09.2012 Долголетие без старение. Пептидны комплексы Eni-Sala
Этот фильм о факторах, влияющих на здоровье современного человека и способе решения вопроса здорового долголетия при помощи пептидных комплексов Eni-Sala, отличительной способностью которых является РЕГЕНЕРИРУЮЩИЙ ПОТЕНЦИАЛ.

Лекарство против старения 29.09.2012 Лекарство против старения
Профессор Владимир Скулачев утверждает, что обнаружил антиоксидант, который останавливает постепенное - обусловленное старением - ухудшение здоровья людей.

Еще два года экспериментов и, по мнению профессора, он сможет взломать секрет старения.

Остановить старение 29.09.2012 Остановить старение

варфариновый некроз 29.09.2012 варфариновый некроз

Aqu? les presento un video de la apoptosis "o muerte celular programada" por v?a extr?nseca.

Апоптоз - Apoptosis 29.09.2012 Апоптоз - Apoptosis
Процесс саморазрушения клетки. Анимация была опубликована в журнале Наука ( Science ) (Molecular Animation of Cell Death Mediated by the Fas Pathway, Sci. STKE 2007 (380).

sisel.co.ua Вебинар "Resveratrol. Исследования" 29.09.2012 sisel.co.ua Вебинар "Resveratrol. Исследования"
http://sisel.co.ua  ведет вебинар Александр Мартынов (Латвия)
До 1972 года старением считалось накопленный объем поломок в организме. В 1972 году ученые открыли апоптоз -- запрограммированную смерть клетки. После этого считалось, что геном заставляет гибнуть клетки во благо организма, в котором он живет.
В 2002 году был открыт феноптоз -- запрограммированная смерть групп клеток (организма) и это изменило общее представление о старости. Геном убивает организм-хозяина, т.е. сам себя! Это происходит в целях общего эволюционного процесса, другими словами, ради более высшей цели, вид избавляется от индивидов.
Старость -- это постепенное и согласованное ослабление функций организма под управлением генома. Другими словами это ПРОГРАММА. А раз это программа, то ее можно...
Организм -- всего лишь машина, слепо выполняющая приказы генома. Как правило, эти приказы учитывают интересы организма, без которого геном гибнет. Однако некоторые из генетических программ нацелены прежде всего на ускорение эволюции или экспансию генома в биосфере. Такие программы и являются феноптозом -- котр-продуктивные для организма и продуктивные для эволюции. Именно из-за этих программ гибнут клетки и организм для ускорения эволюции, главной цели естественного отбора.
С другой стороны, человек в отличие от животных, обладает разумом и не заинтересован в своей биологической эволюции. Задача любой эволюции -- это максимально приспособить организм к среде. Современный человек не приспосабливается к среде, а приспосабливает среду под себя. Защиту своего генома он может обеспечить ограничением рождаемости, а не феноптозом (самоубийством).
Продукты SISEL -- это первые продукты, которые помогают человеку выйти из под гнета генома, чтобы стать HOMO SAPIENS LIBERATUS -- ЧЕЛОВЕКОМ РАЗУМНЫМ ОСВОБОЖДЕННЫМ.
По вопросам сотрудничества
с компанией Sisel
и приобретением продукции
skype: sanlun69
icq: 302461856

In the Heat of the Night 03.09.2012 In the Heat of the Night
This video introduces the fascinating world of Hot Plants, flowers that generate heat (thermogenesis) to release scents and attract pollinators. We look at three thermogenic plant species, the monocots Philodendron bipinnatifidium and Colocasia esculenta and the eudicot, Nelumbo nucifera. Some plants such as Philodendron and Sacred lotus are also able to regulate their floral temperature, maintaining their flowers at up to 30 ?C above air temperatures over several days. Our research team is investigating how plants produce this heat and how they can regulate their temperature so precisely. We are also interested in why the plants produce heat. Is it to release particular scents to attract pollinators, to give a heat reward to the insects or does it also help the plants reproductive development?

http://youtu.be/-_8aYKcQZ_Q 03.09.2012 http://youtu.be/-_8aYKcQZ_Q
krebs cycle mitochondria

mitochondria ATP synthesis 03.09.2012 mitochondria ATP synthesis
mitochondria ATP synthesis

Anti-aging 3D medical animation mitochondria for Ninapharm,produced by Virtual Point 03.09.2012 Anti-aging 3D medical animation mitochondria for Ninapharm,produced by Virtual Point
3D medical animation clip produced by virtual point of biological process.
The purpose of Ninapharm's researches is to offer an "Anti-Aging Protection" package based on antioxidants. The idea is to determine several diseases directly linked to antioxidants deficiencies and to offer a package which is only based on vegetal or fruit plant extracts and combines different actives that provides the right solution for a Anti-Ageing process.
ADS is dissolved quickly in the stomach and absorbed through the small intestine.
ADS is channeled through the blood to reach the body cells across the cell membrane, crosses the mitochondria double membrane and attacks the free radicals and reduces them.
ADS activates the antioxidant enzyme SOD.
Antioxidant efficacy at cellular level protection and re-generation of the mitochondria through an innovative amphiphilic compound ADS.
3D Video clip produced by Virtual Point Multimedia.

mitochondria 3D animation 03.09.2012 mitochondria 3D animation
mitochondria, the power plant of the cell


Active and Passive Transport 03.09.2012 Active and Passive Transport
Biology video about active and passive transport

OXPHOS - Oxidative Phosphorylation 03.09.2012 OXPHOS - Oxidative Phosphorylation
3Dme presents a look at OXPHOS - Oxidative Phosphorylation to help you visualise this complex process.

Through a fascinating process called oxidative phosphorylation, oxygen is used by the mitochondria to absorb electrons & help generate energy. This video uses beautiful, high definition 3D visualisation to take a look inside the human body to follow the path the oxygen molecules take from the in breath, osmosis through the arterial membrane, bound by haemoglobin in red blood cells, to reach the mitochondria. Once inside the mitochondria, the powerhouse of all cells, we demonstrate how oxygen is used to produce energy. This process includes the oxidation of macronutrients, electron carriers such as NADH, the electron transport chain & the cytochrome oxidase complex. Creative imagery has been used in this video to facilitate your understanding of the process of oxidative phosphorylation. We welcome your feedback & suggestions re: future topics you would like to see 3Dme produce for the upcoming App Video Catalogue.

flagella & cilia 03.09.2012 flagella & cilia
shows d' movement of flagella & cilia in algae

Bacterial Flagellum - Evolution's Nightmare & Demise 03.09.2012 Bacterial Flagellum - Evolution's Nightmare & Demise
About the Bacterial Flagellum video and more:
More at http://www.detectingdesign.com
Detailed response to Nick Matzke's proposition on the bacterial flagellum:
Another video (unrelated to the flagellum but very impressive):
-Evolutionist claim that all of life's features (example: the bacterial flagellum) can be explained by the purely material process described in their theory - accidental mutations sorted by natural selection. However, Intelligent Design (ID) theory makes the claim that certain features exist in the universe (including features of life) that are BEST explained by an intelligent cause (ie. a cause with a goal or purpose - ergo originating from a mind). With the scientific hypothesis of intelligent causation, and the objective explanatory filter developed by Dr William Dembski - http://www.uncommondescent.com - ID theory has quickly & firmly established itself as the "official" headache for the most ardent evolutionists today. Those that are informed know what is at stake, and that the explanatory power of the intelligent design theory is effectively guaranteed to supplant a purely materialist theory of evolution in time. This can be seen in how ID has reached a type of critical mass of acceptance - wherewith about a hundred classes are already taught in various universities (including the Ivy league). Classes whcih challenge purely materialistic thinking and more critically analyze the theory of evolution. The growth will continue as more objective & open minded scientists & students eager to explore better explanations continue to pursue better science.

Dr Michael Behe (author of "Darwins Black Box" & proponent of ID) popularized the term *irreducible complexity* to describe features in life which are complex and yet their function can not be reduced without destroying the primary function and usefulness of the system/function to the host organism. In the case seen in the video, the bacteruial flagellum has approximately 40 finely matched protein parts that must all be in place for the bacterial flagellum (w/ motor) to work. Furthermore, the assembly process of this motor is one of the key overlooked aspects of the problem of this systems development - ie. even the assembly program/process is arguably irreducibly complex. So, not only does a bacteria need to have the DNA coded for the correct proteins, the whole cell has to 'know' WHERE to put each protein part and WHEN to put it there. This is an astronomically improbable task to acheive through random fortuitous increases in instruction sequences (which to this day remains purely hypothetical - ie. imaginary) and parts specifications - consider the relative size of the cell surface area to the size of the bacterial flagellum and the chances each molecular part will assemble in the correct location & with the correct timing for assembly. So, the whole machine and the ORDER or sequence of system assembly is critical to success! If the whole universe were a fishbowl like earth's oceans - except fully teeming with bacteria - for 15 billion years, there would still be insufficient probablistic resources to accomplish the feat of builindg up such a comparable system even once. It's no wonder that ID theory is so satisfying to the many open minded scientist it has attracted.

Unfortunately, most evolutionist oppose this theory based strictly on materialistic beliefs. And this is a true detriment to real science. They stubbornly maintain their faith in natural selection - listen to Richard Dawkins - note especially the last words in the following video:

[Excerpt - In exressing why natural selection is believed to find creative designs/solutions to all these kinds of intermediate problems]: "Natural selection is uhmmm..uhhh.. well, I suppose that is a sort of matter of faith on my part." - Richard Dawkins

If never before, you have now found that faith is a absolute neccessity and type of trade-secret of even the most outspoken of evolutionist. So, don't be their fool when they say evolution is a scientific fact. It's almost assured, in my opinion, that future generations will find it hard to believe that people ever accepted the theoy of evolution with the information we have at our disposal. Recent breakthroughs in accelerated protein folding algorithms will, I believe likely, lead to some very uncomforting news for adherents of evolutionary theory - news that could bring that described future closer to our doorsteps - and evolutionists fade into the history books as the mystics of these days... stay tuned. :)

Irreducible Complexity?  The Bacterial Flagellum 03.09.2012 Irreducible Complexity? The Bacterial Flagellum
A clip from the NOVA production, "Judgment Day."

Bacterial Motility 03.09.2012 Bacterial Motility

Osmosis 03.09.2012 Osmosis
How does Osmosis work

Osmosis 03.09.2012 Osmosis
Osmosis is the diffusion of water down its concentration gradient.  Normally one thinks of water as the solvent, and focuses on the concentration of the solutes, but water itself has a concentration in any solution.

anaerobic respiration experiments 03.09.2012 anaerobic respiration experiments

Necrosis pancre?tica infectada: necrosectom?a por laparoscopia 03.09.2012 Necrosis pancre?tica infectada: necrosectom?a por laparoscopia
Este intervenci?n realizada por el Dr. Poves (Barcelona, Spain) fue presentada en el Congreso Nacional de la Asociaci?n Espa?ola de Cirujanos celebrado en Madrid en 2008. En el se muestra como se realiza por laparoscopia un desbridamiento de necrosis pancre?tica infectada localizada en la cabeza del p?ncreas. La necrosis pancre?tica es una complicaci?n de la pancreatitis aguda y uno de sus riesgos es que puede infectarse. Si esto sucede debe realizarse una evacuaci?n del tejido infectado y del pus (absceso). M?s informaci?n www.ipoves.com.

Necrosis 03.09.2012 Necrosis
In this chilling sequel to "APOPTOSIS," Michael Paquet (writer, director, producer) reveals to the viewer the TRUE MEANING OF HORROR. Prepare to be chilled to the bone, in this stunning next chapter, "NECROSIS: A Cellular Horror."
You will be inoculated with FEAR!

Necrosis (def): the death of a cell on account of another cell.

Necrosis VS apoptosis - www.bahriandoctors.com - 03.09.2012 Necrosis VS apoptosis - www.bahriandoctors.com -
Mechanisms of cell death:
Necrosis VS apoptosis

Apoptosis 03.09.2012 Apoptosis

Apoptosis 03.09.2012 Apoptosis
Protein Lounge animations @ http://www.proteinlounge.com/Animation/Animation.aspx

Apoptosis is a cell suicide mechanism that enables metazoans to control cell number in tissues and to eliminate individual cells that threaten the animal's survival. Certain cells have unique sensors, termed Death Receptors, on their surface, which detect the presence of extracellular death signals and, in response, rapidly ignite the cell's intrinsic apoptosis machinery. Cytotoxic T cell with Fas ligand binds to the Fas receptor on target cell and induces apoptosis through a cytoplasmic Death Domain that interacts with signaling adaptors like FADD (Fas-Associated Death Domain). FADD recruits the inactive Procaspase8, which is proteolytically activated to Caspase8, which further cleaves and activate downstream effector Caspase3.

Activated BAX within the mitochondrial membrane leads to creation or alteration of membrane pores, resulting in Mitochondrial-Outer-Membrane Permeabilization that causes release of Cytochrome-C into the cytosol. Cytochrome-C associates with APAF1 protein and Procaspase9 to form the apoptosome, which activates Caspase9, leading to activation of downstream effector caspases, including Caspase3. Caspase3 cleaves ICAD-CAD heterodimer to free CAD to cause DNA fragmentation, thus causing apoptosis.

This animation illustrates the detailed process of apoptosis by extrinsic and intrinsic pathways.

Apoptosis 03.09.2012 Apoptosis
aka Cell Death.  Apoptosis is a process where a cell is degraded in order for it to be ultimately engulfed and recycled.  Apoptosis can occur when a cell has become mutated and is on the verge of becoming a cancer.  Apoptosis is also the reason why we don't have webbed hands and feet.

What basically happens is that the killer t cell communicates with the diseased cell by adhering to it by binding its death ligand to the death receptor on the diseased cell.  This causes adapter proteins to attach to the cytosolic side of the receptor.  This leads to a signal cascade which involves the recruitment of various other proteins and ultimately results in the death of the cell.

Credits:  Drew Berry

Photosynthesis Part 1: An Overview 03.09.2012 Photosynthesis Part 1: An Overview
An overview of photosynthesis in preparation of more detailed look into the specific reactions involved in photosynthesis

Photosynthesis 03.09.2012 Photosynthesis
A summary of the photosynthesis process, including light or dependent reactions and dark, Calvin cycle, or independent reactions.

Photosynthesis - Full Lesson - Kids-www.makemegenius.com -One of the best Indian education website 03.09.2012 Photosynthesis - Full Lesson - Kids-www.makemegenius.com -One of the best Indian education website
Visit www.makemegenius.com ,one of the best Indian education website for children. See children Science education videos for free

Photosynthesis Video 03.09.2012 Photosynthesis Video
A video I had to make for my accelerated biology class. I made the first half and my partner made the next half.

Photosynthesis (Light Reactions) 03.09.2012 Photosynthesis (Light Reactions)
The NDSU Virtual Cell Animation Project presents 'Photosynthesis - The Light Reactions'. For more information please see http://vcell.ndsu.edu/animations

Photosynthesis is the means by which plants make use of chlorophyll and light to produce energy. This section covers the basic stages of the light reactions in the photosynthetic electron transport chain.

Glycolysis 03.09.2012 Glycolysis
Overview of glycolysis

Krebs / Citric Acid Cycle 03.09.2012 Krebs / Citric Acid Cycle
Overview of the Krebs or Citric Acid Cycle

Electron Transport Chain 03.09.2012 Electron Transport Chain
Overview of the Electron Transport Chain

Introduction to Cellular Respiration 03.09.2012 Introduction to Cellular Respiration
Introduction to cellular respiration, glycolysis, the Kreb's Cycle, and the electron transport chain

Cellular Respiration - Energy in a Cell 03.09.2012 Cellular Respiration - Energy in a Cell
http://www.interactive-biology.com - In this lecture, I talk about Cellular respiration, which consists of Glycolysis, the Krebs Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain.

I deal with how Glucose is broken down and how ATP is made. Since energy is important for all living things, it's important to understand how ATP, the energy currency of the body, works.


How Cells Obtain Energy 03.09.2012 How Cells Obtain Energy
Cells and energy - Video for Hawthorn Academy Science Classes.
This video explains the processes associated with cellular energy processing.
Important vocabulary -
chloroplast, photosynthesis, mitochondrion, respiration, pgal (phosphoglyceraldehyde) ADP, ATP

Oxidative Phosphorylation 03.09.2012 Oxidative Phosphorylation

F1 ATP synthase 03.09.2012 F1 ATP synthase
Credit:  Dr. John E. Walker, Medical Research Council, Dunn Human Nutrition Unit, Cambridge, UK.

ATP Synthase Animation 03.09.2012 ATP Synthase Animation
ATP Synthase the Motor of Life by Nasif Nahle

When we talk about the macroscopic world, we define the term structure from an anatomical, histological and morphological viewpoint. However, we often ignore the fact that we have to make a qualitative jump in the progression from macrophysical systems to microphysical systems. When we investigate the system as a whole, we must not limit our knowledge simply to macrophysical parameters which can be measured, as length, distance, volume, etc., but to effective parameters which are further related with electric charges, electromagnetic fields, quantum energy and electrodynamic phenomena. We set in motion a picture of a macrophysical system, i.e. a plant. We can describe its height, its volume, its weight, the quantity of leaves it has, its color, etc.; however, as we move our observations towards smaller and smaller portions of the macroscopic structure, we arrive at a point at which the macrophysical qualities leap into another realm where the parameters with which we previously classified the living organism no longer have any utility. Of course, the transition is so subtle that many of us succumb to the idea that there is no more physical explanation to describe life. If we understand that there is no boundary, but rather a continuum which links every process in every living system with the Universe, we will not be so easily fooled by the illusion of a separation between the macrophysical world and the microphysical world.

ATP synthase - the world's tiniest motor 03.09.2012 ATP synthase - the world's tiniest motor
For more details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-38

ATP synthase is the world's tiniest motor. Spinning at up to 7000 RPM to manufacture ATP, the energy currency of the cell, it is a key requirement for life and it is powerful evidence against evolution.

Watch an animated video of ATP in action here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3KxU63gcF4

Main article:
From Creation magazine 31(4) ATP Synthase  http://creation.com/atp-synthase

Related articles

• Design in living organisms (motors: ATP synthase)  http://creation.com/design-in-living-organisms-motors-atp-synthase
• Fantastic voyage  http://creation.com/fantastic-voyage
• DNA repair enzyme  http://creation.com/DNA-repair-enzyme
• Notable evolutionists retreating from empiricism to arguments from anology  http://creation.com/notable-evolutionists-retreating-from-empiricism-to-arguments-from-analogy
• Can evolution produce new organs or structures?  http://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j19_2/j19_2_76-82.pdf

For more information on the creation/evolution issue visit http://creation.com

The ATP Synthase Enzyme 03.09.2012 The ATP Synthase Enzyme
This animated sequence shows the ATP Synthase enzyme in operation. The animation is based on an incredible series of scientific discoveries. Only the colours show artistic licence.

ATP, or Adenosine Tri-Phosphate, is the energy currency of the cell. ATP is produced by a tiny molecular rotary motor, rotating at up to 7,000 rpm. These are so small that 100,000 would fit side-by-side in a millimetre. A current of protons drives the motor, unlike man-made electric motors, which use electrons.

This portion of the enzyme is where Adenosine Di-Phosphate is combined with a phosphate ion, in the presence of a catalyst to produce ATP which is then released, making way for the next cycle. A top view of the enzyme shows the sequential operation. Almost every bio-chemical process in your body requires ATP.

Such a nano-machine exhibits all the characteristics of super-intelligent design. ATP is vital for life and many of these motors were needed before the first living cell could exist. An evolutionary impossibility!

Related Articles:
Design in living organisms (motors: ATP synthase): http://creation.com/design-in-living-organisms-motors-atp-synthase
ATP synthase: majestic molecular machine made by a mastermind: http://creation.com/atp-synthase
Is ATP synthase found in all life?: http://creation.com/atp-synthase-in-all-life

Related Products:
The Creation Answers Book - http://creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=10-2-505
Creation Magazine subscription - http://creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=90-3-003
What Darwin Couldn't Know tract - http://creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=00-1-534
Exploring the World of Biology book - http://creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=10-1-535

ATP Synthase 03.09.2012 ATP Synthase
An amazing molecular machine, ATP synthase, can run use electrostatic potential energy stored in a proton gradient to generate ATP. Under different conditions, it can run in the opposite direction, using ATP to build a proton gradient. Created by Graham Johnson of fivth.com and Graham Johnson medical media www.grahamj.com, for Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4e by Alberts, Walter, et al, Gardland Publishers. ©2002  

Please visit www.grahamj.com for examples of other molecular machines.

Glad to hear my APT synthase movie has helped so many people learn an otherwise complicate subject.

I put a lot of time into making this with Peter Walter (UCSF) and Mike Morales (Garland Publisher) back in 2001. http://www.youtube.com/user/garlandscience/featured

A new software project I work on with Ludovic Autin in Art Olson's lab, can make it a lot easier to make a movie like this, and we distribute it for free.  Check out:  http://epmv.scripps.edu if you want to try it out.

Electron Transport Chain 11.08.2012 Electron Transport Chain

Cellular Respiration Part 1: Introduction & Glycolysis 11.08.2012 Cellular Respiration Part 1: Introduction & Glycolysis
Details on Cellular Respiration. This video introduces the overall reaction, lists the stages and explains the details of glycolysis

Gradients (ATP Synthases) 11.08.2012 Gradients (ATP Synthases)
NDSU Virtual Cell Animations Project animation 'Gradients (ATP Synthase)'. For more information please see http://vcell.ndsu.edu/animations

Gradients are used to create energy that can power biological cyles. ATP synthase is powered by a hydrogen gradient, located in the mitochondria. This section covers the action of this specific gradient.

Комплекс Гольджи,  животная клетка 15.11.2012 Комплекс Гольджи, животная клетка
Аппарат Гольджи (комплекс Гольджи) — мембранная структура эукариотической клетки, органелла, в основном предназначенная для выведения веществ, синтезированных в эндоплазматическом ретикулуме. Аппарат Гольджи был назван так в честь итальянского учёного Камилло Гольджи, впервые обнаружившего его в 1898 году.

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