ИНФОРМИСТ: вестник инфоцентриста

Каспаринский Ф.О.

Каспаринский Ф.О. My main interests in the period from 1991 to 2001 were designed to study the mechanisms regulating the kinetics of electrogenic transport of divalent cations in the mitochondria and the role of calcium ions in the induction of mitochondrial death. The most important result of this research was the proposal of a kinetic model of apparent cooperativity of the calcium ions uptake by mitochondria, accompanied by the memory effect of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of calcium waves. Since 2001, the main area of my interest was the study of specific adaptation of multimedia technologies for use in educational purposes.

Имя:  Феликс
Отчество:  Освальдович
Фамилия:  Каспаринский
Дата рождения:  19.06.1966
Веб-страница:  http://kasparinsky.pro
Почтовый адрес email:  felix@kasparinsky.pro
Мгновенные сообщения (IM, ICQ):  485-801-783
Skype:  Felix_Kasparinsky

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